
Death and Life:

Death is usually an abstract thing to humans. We hear about it, we see people dying everyday yet we believe  it won't happen to us.  We believe we will live till 100 and have grey hair and few teeth. We live in the illusion that death is abstract and won't come for us. Not yet. Not now But that is not the reality of life. Anyone can die at anytime. It can be as mundane as choking on a bone or falling from the stairs or it could be death from cancer or an accident. You can die at 5 years old or 15 or 50. You can die tomorrow or next week. You can die in your kitchen or on the way to work. Death is sudden and unexpected. However,humans live as if they have forever. We are constantly running out of time but we believe we still have more time. We will do it tomorrow. There is time next week. When I get some money,I will do this, I will do that. What if you die now? What if this is the last phone call you make or the last post you read? Would you do anything...

Dating and Sex: Through The Eyes of a 12-year old

We presently live in a technologically developed world...but is it necessarily a good thing? This post was inspired by a conversation with my 12 year old cousin on Sex and Dating. Two years ago, my cousin came over and asked me what an orgasm was. I was shocked, I asked her where she heard it. And she told me from her friends. A few days ago, she told me in detail what her classmates do after school hours. Touching each other and kissing. And they are 12... Their hormones haven't even kicked in yet. What would happen if it does? I have to say there is clearly a problem with "the social media generation". My cousin went further to ask me that can she also join them... I asked her "Join them doing what?" She told me "Dating, obviously" I said "What is dating to you?" And she said "Dating is when you agree to allow a boy to touch you and buy gifts for you. My friends say I love you to their boyfriends and their boyfriends do stu...

The Dark Side of Genius

Who is a genius... And what makes a genius? Don't check the dictionary yet, wait I will tell you Will you just wake up one day and be called a genius? Or it is that outrageous IQ? There are tons of smart people in the world and thousands of PhD's but that doesn't make a genius. If it were, the list of geniuses would be might even be on it(looks away). Geniuses are people who have accomplished that which no one else has. Not because they have excess talent or more IQ than others but because of that never ending curiosity and the hunger for perfection. Check out  what makes a genius . However the paradox of genius is even more intriguing. The fact that despite their inquisitiveness and talent, geniuses have that one flaw common to  them all. This is known as the The Dark Side of Genius. The Korean drama Mouse hinted that "the difference between a genius and a psychopath is just that 1%" Geniuses tend to spend a lo...

Humans As Social Animals

Deep down, we all have that desire to be accepted... I know people that cannot breathe, think or take a step without thinking of "what the society would say" Ever wondered why? When humans are born , we are born into a society .  The society could include our parents, extended relatives, the church, the school and the community we live in. However, the society already has names and opinions for everything around us. You hear someone calling a spoon - spoon, that's why it is a spoon to you. If the spoon had been called a 'fork' , a spoon would have totally become a fork also. The society has their own culture,their rules and regulations and their beliefs. And of course we are expected to learn them  without being given the chance to have our own opinion. That is the beginning of domestication. We are expected to do this and to do that, we are expected to conform. Thus when we do the " acceptable"  thing, we are often rewarded. And when we don't,well y...