The Dark Side of Genius

Who is a genius...

And what makes a genius?
Don't check the dictionary yet, wait I will tell you

Will you just wake up one day and be called a genius?
Or it is that outrageous IQ?

There are tons of smart people in the world and thousands of PhD's but that doesn't make a genius. If it were, the list of geniuses would be might even be on it(looks away).

Geniuses are people who have accomplished that which no one else has.

Not because they have excess talent or more IQ than others but because of that never ending curiosity and the hunger for perfection.

However the paradox of genius is even more intriguing. The fact that despite their inquisitiveness and talent, geniuses have that one flaw common to  them all. This is known as the The Dark Side of Genius.

The Korean drama Mouse hinted that "the difference between a genius and a psychopath is just that 1%"

Geniuses tend to spend a lot of time in their heads. Always asking the questions why?- how?... Jumping from one topic to another, never standing still and never relaxing.
This makes them socially awkward: as they prefer to spend their time working on the next invention and restless (their mind shifting from one question to another).

Virtually all geniuses in history have failed relationships either romantically or in family relationships. Not only that, many geniuses in childhood/teenage period have been said to be " highly unfocused", "unable to relate with other students" or even " reluctant to learn".
For all the geniuses in history, traditional learning has never been their forte. They don't want the teacher writing on the board or boring them senseless with unproved teachings.

Albert Einstein's father wanted him to study Electrical engineering but Einstein clashed with the authorities and resented the school's regimen and teaching methods. He said "the spirit of learning and creative thoughts was lost in strict rote learning". Source: Wikipedia

The one flaw common to all geniuses thereby is the lack of ability to form close and lasting interpersonal relationships especially romantically.


  1. the last paragraph really tells a lot. Geniuses and academically exceptional people always find it hard maintaining or finding love


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